Listening and Empathy

How do we listen in the digital sphere? What does it mean to respond?  What assumptions do we have when we enter different spaces?  This activity invites participants to reflect on how they engage with others in different spaces, digital and otherwise.

Step One: Read one of these articles:

Step Two: Please respond using the following two formats:

  • Within 5 minutes of reading the article, respond here (anonymously or not)
  • Take some time to think about the article and respond in the comments section following the article (include #listenped)

Step Three: After you have completed the exercise, consider one or more of these questions — feel free to respond in the comments section below:

  • What motivates you to respond (private processing, public statement, empathizing with the author/group)?
  • Which spaces feel safe?
  • How do these different spaces shape how you respond?
  • How does timing–responding immediately v. after more reflection–affect your response?
  • When online, how do you know someone is empathizing with you? What is a tweet or comment that made you feel “oh yeah, that person really gets what I am feeling”?

Further resources: